Saturday, June 27, 2009

Well today another day home without my husband and of course I go back to work tomorrow and he is off. Oh well, at least we have our evenings together.

Since my last blog alittle over 24 hours ago we have multiple household tragedies. Somehow our big standing freezer door was left cracked open and when I got up I found water all over the floor and fudge bars melted all over the freezer. No one to blame neither one of us remembers getting in it so oh well. No reason to cry over melted fudge bar. Then my wonderful husband who at times is so proud of his bathroom "works of art" let me know that he overflowed the toliet. As I walked into the bathroom I see water running over the floor making it's way into the laundry room. After digging for the old towels the ones that I have now put in the trash and gagging from the smell ( I Love You Honey) the situation became under control. This would be the times in a marriage that you have to find the calmness inside of you so that you don't explode on the one who may have assisted in the chaos and realized that it can all be fixed and no one got hurt.

Now for some proud parent gloating.( Remember our kids are our pets for now) We went down to the Toler's for a fun dinner and evening on the porch with them and the Roe's. We deceided to be brave enough to let Brutus the 88lb Chocolate Lab come dowm and visit. We were nervous because there were 3 kids under 6 and Brutus is only 2, which means there is alot of puppy left in him. He had never really been around kids before so I was preparing for the worst (kids pinned to the ground getting licked to death by a friendly and unaware of how big he is dog). But to everyones surprise Brutus was as good as gold. After getting over the excitement of the new surroundings he pretty much relaxed and just chilled out. This is a proud moment for a parent realizing that their child can now be excepted by the general public. I may not be able to brag that my child used the potty, or spoke his first word but I can say that everyone left without bandaids maybe just alittle slobber. We are proud parents. Our little boy is growing up.

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